As we approach the Advent season, we wanted to create this simple guide to help you intentionally help your family celebrate the incarnation. 

Our prayer is that these resources, ideas and events would help us to grow in our love of Christ, our love of one another, and our love of the people around us during this season. We realize that the Advent season presents many demands on families and we don’t mean to be a burden. See these as opportunities to help your family worship the Christ and look to the hope he has brought. 

Ideas to Celebrate Advent This Year 

1. Attend one, several, or all of the Grace Church events in December: 

  • December 1st Behold! 
  • December 2nd Wyoming Tree Lighting 
  • December 17th Christmas Play 
  • December 23rd Meal Delivery 
  • December 24th at 10:30am Sunday Morning Service 
  • December 24th at 4:00pm Christmas Eve service 

2. Read a pile of Christmas books
You can even wrap up a bunch of library books for your kids. 

3. Watch a Christmas Movie as a family.
This Kirk Cameron movie called “Saving Christmas” is low-budget, but Christ-exalting.

4. Make a paper chain that counts down to Christmas.  

5. Buy and use a set of Advent Blocks. Combine with a 25-day Advent Devotional.

7. Find a local concert or play to attend. 

Advent Devotionals 

A few of these are available on the Discipleship Wall under Featured Resources. Please look through them but please leave them there for others to look at.

  • Behold the Lamb of God, Russ Ramsey 
  • Come Let Us Adore Him, Paul Tripp 
  • Good News of Great Joy, John Piper 
  • God Rest Ye Merry, Doug Wilson