Covenant Confirmed, Clarified, And Commenced Genesis 17:1-14   /   August 23, 2020   /   David VanAcker
God Sees And Hears All Genesis 16   /   August 16, 2020   /   David VanAcker
Abram And The Covenant Of Faith Genesis 15:7-21   /   August 9, 2020   /   David VanAcker
Righteousness Is Through Faith Genesis 15:1-6   /   August 2, 2020   /   David VanAcker
The Glory Of Leaving Matters In God’s Hands Genesis 13   /   July 12, 2020   /   David VanAcker
The Folly of Taking Matters Into Our Own Hands Genesis 12:10-20   /   July 5, 2020   /   David VanAcker
God’s Faithfulness And Abram’s Call Genesis 11:10-12:9   /   June 28, 2020   /   David VanAcker
The Fearful And Proud Are Confused And Scattered Genesis 11:1-9   /   June 21, 2020   /   David VanAcker
The Beginning of a New Decline Genesis 9:18-29   /   June 7, 2020   /   David VanAcker
The Covenants Of God Genesis 9:8-17   /   May 31, 2020   /   David VanAcker