Giving Sight To The Blind (Part 2) John 9:1-41   /   July 30, 2023   /   David VanAcker
Giving Sight To The Blind John 9:1-41   /   July 23, 2023   /   David VanAcker
Before Abraham Was, I Am! (Part 2) John 8:48-59   /   July 16, 2023   /   David VanAcker
Before Abraham Was, I Am! John 8:48-59   /   July 9, 2023   /   David VanAcker
Children Of Abraham Or Children Of The Devil? John 8:31-47   /   July 2, 2023   /   David VanAcker
Obedience, Truth, and Freedom Mark Genuine Belief John 8:31-36   /   June 18, 2023   /   David VanAcker
You Will Die In Your Sin Unless You Believe John 8:21-30   /   June 11, 2023   /   David VanAcker
I Am The Light Of The World John 8:12-20   /   June 4, 2023   /   David VanAcker
The Unparalleled Love Of Jesus John 7:53-8:11   /   May 21, 2023   /   David VanAcker
Can It Be That This Is The Christ? John 7:25-36   /   May 7, 2023   /   David VanAcker