Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire Genesis 32:1-21   /   April 18, 2021   /   David VanAcker
Do Whatever God Says Genesis 31   /   April 11, 2021   /   David VanAcker
Why Is The Resurrection Good News? Luke 24:1-12 and Various Texts   /   April 4, 2021   /   David VanAcker
A Deceiver Of A Deceiver Genesis 30:25-43   /   March 28, 2021   /   David VanAcker
The Unlikely Origin Of The Tribes Of Israel Genesis 29:31-30:24   /   March 21, 2021   /   David VanAcker
Jacob, Laban and Two Wives Genesis 29:1-30   /   March 14, 2021   /   Mike Maruska
Jacob’s Dream Genesis 28:10-22   /   March 7, 2021   /   David VanAcker
Lying, Hatred, and Murder (Part 2) Genesis 27:41 - 28:9   /   February 28, 2021   /   Mike Maruska
Lying, Hatred, And Murder Genesis 26:34 - 27:4   /   February 21, 2021   /   David VanAcker
Isaac Is The Heir And God Is The Gospel Genesis 26:12-33   /   February 15, 2021   /   David VanAcker